New Employee Onboarding Mistakes

New Employee Onboarding MistakesNew Employee Onboarding Mistakes

New employee onboarding is a critical process that can set the tone for an employee’s entire tenure with a company. Unfortunately, many organizations make mistakes during the onboarding process that can negatively impact employee engagement and retention. In this blog post, we’ll explore the top 10 new employee onboarding mistakes and provide tips on how to avoid them.

1. Lack of Preparation

One of the most common mistakes companies make during the onboarding process is failing to adequately prepare for new employees. This can include not having their workstations set up, not having necessary equipment or software ready, and not having a clear plan for their first few days.
To avoid this mistake, make sure you have a detailed onboarding plan in place before your new employees start. This should include everything from setting up their workstations to introducing them to their team and assigning their first tasks.

Odyssey can help streamline the onboarding process by automating tasks such as setting up workstations, preparing necessary equipment and software, and assigning tasks to team members. This ensures that everything is ready before the new employee starts.

2. Neglecting the Company Culture

Another mistake companies make is neglecting to introduce new employees to the company culture. This can leave them feeling disconnected from the organization and their colleagues.
To avoid this mistake, make sure your onboarding process includes a thorough introduction to the company culture. This can include everything from company history to values and mission statements.

Automation can help create a more personalized onboarding experience by automating the delivery of company culture information through videos, interactive quizzes, and other multimedia content.

3. Failing to Set Clear Expectations

Without clear expectations, new employees may not know what is expected of them or how they can succeed in their roles. This can lead to confusion and frustration, which can ultimately lead to turnover.
To avoid this mistake, set clear expectations for new employees from day one. This should include everything from job responsibilities to performance metrics and goals.

No-code automation can help set clear expectations by automating the creation and delivery of job responsibilities, performance metrics, and goals. This ensures that new employees have a clear understanding of what is expected of them.

4. Overloading New Employees

While it’s important to set expectations, it’s equally important not to overload new employees with too much information or too many tasks. This can be overwhelming and lead to burnout.
To avoid this mistake, prioritize what new employees need to know and focus on the essentials during their first few days on the job. Give them time to acclimate to their new role before introducing more complex tasks.

Odyssey automation can help prevent overload by automating the delivery of information in bite-sized chunks over a longer period, using a drip-feed approach.

5. Failing to Provide Training and Support

New employees need training and support to be successful in their roles. Without it, they may struggle to perform their job duties or feel unsupported in their new position.
To avoid this mistake, provide comprehensive training and support for new employees. This can include everything from on-the-job training to mentorship programs and access to resources.

Automating the delivery of on-the-job training, mentorship programs, and access to resources such as manuals, guides, and videos can free-up your HR personnel to focus on better processes and overall employee experience.

6. Ignoring Feedback

New employees may have valuable feedback about the onboarding process that can improve it for future hires. Failing to listen to this feedback can lead to the same mistakes being repeated over and over again.
To avoid this mistake, solicit feedback from new employees throughout the onboarding process. Use this feedback to make improvements and refine your onboarding program for future hires.

No-code automation can help collect feedback from new employees throughout the onboarding process by automating surveys, polls, and feedback forms. This ensures that their feedback is captured and addressed in real-time.

7. Failing to Introduce New Employees to Key Players

New employees need to know who they’ll be working with and who they can turn to for help. Failing to introduce them to key players can leave them feeling isolated and disconnected.
To avoid this mistake, introduce new employees to their team members and key players in the organization. This can include everyone from their manager to HR representatives and other department heads.

With Odyssey automation you can automate the introduction process by creating workflows that connect new employees with their team members, managers, and other key players in the organization.

8. Not Recognizing Achievements

New employees need to feel valued and appreciated. Failing to recognize their achievements can lead to disengagement and even turnover.
To avoid this mistake, recognize and celebrate new employees’ achievements. This can include everything from completing training to meeting performance goals.

The Odyssey Digital Automation Platform can automate the process of recognizing new employees’ achievements. Odyssey can create automated workflows that send personalized messages, reward badges, or certificates.

9. Failing to Follow Up

The onboarding process doesn’t end after the first few days or weeks on the job. Failing to follow up with new employees can leave them feeling unsupported and disconnected from the organization.
To avoid this mistake, follow up with new employees regularly during their first few months on the job. This can include everything from regular check-ins with their manager to surveys or feedback forms to gauge their experience.

Our automation platform can help ensure that new employees feel supported by automating the follow-up process with their manager, assigning regular check-ins and surveys.

10. Not Personalizing the Onboarding Experience

Finally, failing to personalize the onboarding experience can leave new employees feeling like just another number in the organization. This can lead to disengagement and ultimately, turnover.
To avoid this mistake, personalize the onboarding experience as much as possible. This can include everything from tailoring training to their specific role to assigning a mentor who shares similar interests or backgrounds.

The Odyssey automation solution can help personalize the onboarding experience by creating automated workflows that are tailored to the new employee’s interests, background, and needs. Imagine a seamless workflow that is custom to the individual’s interests. Odyssey can deliver that!


The onboarding process is critical for setting new employees up for success in their roles. By avoiding these top 10 onboarding mistakes, you can improve employee engagement and retention, and set your organization up for long-term success. Remember, onboarding isn’t just about getting new employees up to speed on their job duties. It’s also about introducing them to the company culture, setting clear expectations, providing support and training, and making them feel valued and appreciated. By doing so, you’ll create a positive and welcoming environment that new employees will be proud to be a part of.

The Odyssey Digital Automation platform unique no-code automation solution can be an effective tool in addressing onboarding mistakes. By automating tasks, delivering personalized content, setting clear expectations, providing training and support, and recognizing achievements, no-code automation can help create a positive onboarding experience that engages new employees and sets them up for success. Set up an appointment today and learn how we can help.