Odyssey use case for Application Portfolios Management
A customer wanted a way to manage their Application Portfolio Management process. Each application in the enterprise portfolio would be reviewed, rated on perceived capability and cost. Peer applications and potential replacements would be rated on the same criteria.
A workflow was constructed to store the list of applications and basic information about each, and create a questionnaire about the perceived capabilities versus business needs of the application. An email that described the process and had link to the questionnaire was sent to the business sponsors and users of that application. The users followed a link to a questionnaire page.
After the survey period had finished, the workflow tabulated the answers of the respondents. The workflow created a set of graphs and charts based on the data showing the results and the cost/perceived benefit data. Finally, it exported
the raw and aggregate data as a Comma Separated Value (.csv) file for further analysis in different applications.
Later, this workflow was modified to accept information from the Business Application Onboarding process.