AI Smart Knowledge

AI Smart KnowledgeSmart Knowledge Management

One can argue that over the past 20 years, information has reigned supreme.  But with the exponential growth of data, how can organizations effectively harness this power?  In today’s post, we dive into smart knowledge management – a game-changing approach that’s reshaping how businesses capture, organize, and utilize their collective intelligence.

What is Smart Knowledge Management?

Smart knowledge management refers to the use of artificial intelligence technologies to enhance the way organizations capture, organize, share, and utilize knowledge.  This approach leverages AI capabilities such as natural language processing, machine learning, deep learning and even vision algorithms to automate and optimize traditional knowledge management processes.

Smart KnowledgeKey Features

  1. Intelligent Information Retrieval: Gone are the days of sifting through endless documents. AI-powered systems can understand context and intent, delivering precise information when and where it’s needed.
  2. Automated Knowledge Extraction: AI algorithms can scan through vast amounts of structured and unstructured data – even images, audio and video – automatically extracting key insights and organizing them into easily accessible formats.
  3. Personalized Knowledge Delivery: By learning from user behavior and preferences, these systems can tailor information delivery to individual needs, ensuring that each team member gets the most relevant knowledge.
  4. Predictive Insights: Advanced analytics can identify trends and patterns, offering predictive insights that drive proactive decision-making.
  5. Continuous Learning: Perhaps most importantly, these systems evolve. They learn from interactions, feedback, and new data, continually refining their performance.

AI Smart Knowledge

Why it’s Important

The implementation of AI-based smart knowledge management can transform various aspects of business operations:

  • Enhanced Decision Making: With access to more accurate and timely information, employees and customers can make better-informed decisions. Pantheon’s Odyssey Digital Automation Platform, with its AI-driven automation (AIDA) solutions, can analyze requests and formulate responses from a wide range of sources including internal databases, applications, unstructured office documents, images, videos, audio files, internal and external websites, and more.
  • Improved Productivity: Employees spend less time searching for information and more time applying it, significantly boosting productivity. For example, Odyssey AIDA Analyst tool allows knowledge workers to research topics by asking a simple question.  The AI algorithm, combined with Odyssey’s integration capabilities, will then search internal sources such as CRM or ERP systems and external web sites to quickly return detailed research information.
  • Fostered Innovation: By connecting disparate pieces of information, these systems can spark new ideas and innovations. With its ability to process large volumes of data and generate actionable insights, Odyssey AIDA CoPilot serves as a catalyst for creativity and innovation.
  • Preserved Institutional Knowledge: As employees come and go, smart KM systems ensure that valuable knowledge isn’t lost. Odyssey AIDA AskOCMS can help preserve institutional knowledge by providing a centralized platform for capturing and storing information.  With AskOCMS, users can ask questions and receive answers from a knowledge base that is continuously updated and maintained. This allows for the accumulation of knowledge over time, ensuring that valuable information is not lost when employees leave or retire.
  • Streamlined Onboarding: New employees can get up to speed faster with quick and accurate access to relevant information. Odyssey AIDA AskOdyssey can respond to common onboarding questions and provide information about company policies, benefits, or the onboarding process itself.  This eliminates the need for HR personnel to manually respond to each inquiry.  AskOdyssey can also analyze the employee’s role, department, and other relevant factors to provide personalized recommendations for onboarding tasks, training materials, and resources.  Additionally, it can track the effectiveness of onboarding materials and processes, identifying areas for improvement based on employee feedback and usage patterns. This allows HR to continuously refine and enhance the onboarding experience.


While the benefits are clear, implementing AI-based smart knowledge management isn’t without challenges.  We dove deeper into these in a previous blog post, but here are a few:

  • Data Quality and Integration: AI systems require high-quality, well-organized data. Ensuring clean, diverse data is crucial.  An AI-driven automation tool, such as Pantheon’s Odyssey Digital Automation Platform, with robust integration capabilities can help streamline this process.
  • Privacy and Security: Handling sensitive or proprietary information requires robust security. Strong security measures must be in place to protect sensitive information.  Odyssey, with its AIDA capabilities combined with a 10-layer security framework, role-based access, workflow and business rules, can further safeguard information by routing sensitive requests to the appropriate team for approval.
  • Ethical Considerations: As with any AI implementation, it’s important to consider the ethical implications and potential biases. It’s important to be transparent about how your AI makes decisions, establish clear lines of responsibility for AI-driven decisions, and regularly audit your AI systems for unfair bias or discrimination.  The Odyssey Digital Automation Platform can automate audit tasks and ensure responsible parties are notified of important activities.

The Future of Knowledge Management

It seems fair to expect even more sophisticated knowledge management solutions as technology continues to advance and the need for speedy, accurate information increases.  However, the future of AI-based smart knowledge management isn’t just about managing information – it’s about creating a smarter, more agile organization that can thrive in an increasingly complex business landscape.  To that end, the need to marry AI-knowledge with a platform that can transform knowledge into action will become ever more important.  Pantheon’s Odyssey Digital Automation Platform seamlessly bridges these requirements.

AI-based smart knowledge management represents a significant leap forward in how organizations handle one of their most valuable assets: knowledge.  By embracing these technologies, businesses can unlock new levels of efficiency, innovation, and competitive advantage.  The question is no longer whether to adopt these systems, but how quickly can you implement them to stay ahead in the knowledge economy.

AI For Business

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Date: Thursday, October 3

Time: 2:00 PM EDT